Exploring Membership at Bethany

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3
If you have questions about Membership, you can email Doug Kelly, Senior Pastor, or Dawn Bonker, Newcomer/ Membership Elder.


Why Become a Member?

Bethany Presbyterian views membership as a Joy and Privilege. Taking the step to say YES to becoming a member acknowledges that “I belong to Christ. And We belong together” growing in faith and action here at this particular church community, Bethany Presbyterian. Becoming a member is choosing to participate in the Ministry of Membership – exploring ways to serve the mission of the church, becoming more connected in her life, including the importance of worship. Membership supports the Unity of the Church in Jesus Christ, while loving one another across our differences.

How Do I Become a Member?

The process of becoming a member includes registering for Bethany 101 - a Sunday (after worship), evening, or Saturday class offered in the Fall and Winter. This class is designed for people new to Bethany as well as those inquiring about membership. In this pandemic season, the Exploring Membership class will meet on Zoom.

Here’s a little of what we’ll look at:
• Being Presbyterian - Beliefs and Organization
• Connecting in Community and Service
• Faith Traditions that Shape Us

We’ll get acquainted and have fun! There will be an opportunity to join the church, but it's not an obligation after taking the class.

Membership Form

If you decide to join, you will complete a registration form and be welcomed into the BPC family during a "joining day" Sunday service with other new members. Membership Sunday happens twice a year in conjunction with the classes.


According to Presbyterian tradition, you need to be baptized to be a member of the church. If you were baptized earlier in life, or at a non-Presbyterian church, it still counts. If you haven’t been baptized, you should be baptized as part of Membership Sunday. You would meet with Pastor Doug or Danielle to prepare for baptism.