Ways to Serve and Give this Season

This year, we are providing a few opportunities for you, your family, and/or small group to serve and give during this unique and challenging Christmas season.

Please prayerfully consider where God may be leading you to get involved:


  • Gift Cards for Wednesday Night Dinner (WND) guests - drop off between December 1st - 20th: Although we will be eating boxed dinners and social distancing this Christmas season, Wednesday Night Dinner participants look forward to a Christmas gift card with their take-out turkey dinner. Please mail $25 gift cards for Safeway, Trader Joe's, Subway, or Bartells to the church office at 3 Howe Street, Seattle 98109. You may also mail a check to the office made out to Bethany Presbyterian Church with a notation for “WND” or you may go to the Wednesday Night Dinner page on Bethany’s website and click “Give”. Contact Barb Williams at barbw@bethanypc.org with any questions.
  • Volunteer to be a greeter for WND:  Outside greeters are especially needed during the winter months to help Wednesday Night Dinner participants feel welcomed. Volunteers are outside, with masks following 6' distancing guidelines. The shift is 5:00 to 6:00PM. Come one week per month or four weeks per month - only requirement is that you like people. Contact Barb Williams at barbw@bethanypc.org.
  • Extra WND Dishwashers Needed in December:  Have fun in the kitchen with other volunteers on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:30PM washing pots and pans. Masks are required and social distancing is practiced. The only requirement is a willingness to serve our Wednesday Night Dinner community. Contact Barb Williams at barbw@bethanypc.org.

WORLD RELIEF - Seattle’s Christmas Gift Drive for Refugees
Through December 31st

Although we can’t assemble Welcome Kits for refugee families like we have done in past Advents, we can still support newly-arrived refugee families and asylees in their first winter in Seattle by donating online here. You can choose your donation to go for toys, family games, winter coats, gift cards, English classes, or gifts for a whole family. Please help our new neighbors, who are fleeing persecution and war, to make their transition to an entirely new home a little bit more welcoming.

Through December 13th

For several years, Bethany has supported the Seattle World School, a Seattle public school that serves about 300 hundred middle school and high school students who are new immigrants in our community. These students and their families have significant needs this winter, especially for basic food security. If you would like to support these students, please make an online donation to Kandelia, the nonprofit organization that supports Seattle World School students and families. Make your donation by December 13th if possible, and write “Holiday Drive” in the note section of the giving page.

CHRISTMAS THANK YOU CARDS - to Bethany’s Local, National, and Global Outreach Partners

Bethany supports many outreach ministries around Seattle, across the United States, and around the world. These ministries provide care for the outsider, the hurting, and those facing injustice. They also carry the message of God’s love throughout the world. The individuals and staff who work in these ministries are dedicated to this transforming work all year long. One thing we can do this Advent season is send our partners Christmas cards to thank them for their service and let them know that we are praying for them. Here is a link to the list of Bethany’s Outreach partners, and a list of mailing addresses, if you would like to send them Christmas thank you cards.