Welcoming Advent:  At-Home Edition

This Sunday, Nov. 29th, 12-12:35 pm
with optional breakout rooms until 1pm

It's the At-Home Edition! Featuring your favorite carols of the season, like O Come All Ye Virtual, Go Tell It on the Chatroom, and Silent Night (you might be muted…?).

In all seriousness - even though we can't welcome Advent in our usual way this year, we’re excited to join with our entire Bethany Family to mark the beginning of this important season together (even if it’s over Zoom). We'll spend some time sharing, crafting, singing, praying, and preparing together. All ages are welcome! 

Some items to bring/prepare for our time together:

  • Bring your lunch or cookies to munch on
  • Print out this Wreath to color and Liturgy for at-home Advent candle lighting and readings
  • Construction paper, scissors, markers, glitter for decorating stars and wreath
  • Christmas ribbons to flourish during singing and dancing!
  • An item that represents one of your Christmas traditions or nativity scene. You will get the chance to share about the item or a story at your optional breakout "table."
  • Cards to write to a few of our ministry partners

We'll also be sharing about a few opportunities for you, your family, and/or small group to serve and give during this unique and challenging Christmas season.

Click Here to Join Via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96202779978

Meeting ID: 962 0277 9978

You can find more information about ways to serve and upcoming Bethany events on the Advent page here.