Welcome to our Black History Month 2022 Resource Page. While we have other pages on our site with a long list of resources that we recommend you all check out, here are a few resources to guide you as you celebrate Black History Month and continue on your justice and reconciliation journey this month and throughout the whole year.
A poem by friend and local ministry leader, Chris Thurton (shared with permission):
See Me—An Ode to Black History Month by Chris Thurton
Some say when the see me, they look at what’s within
How can they do that if they don’t acknowledge my skin?
While being color blind might sound like it’s nice
Centuries of history should make you pause and think twice.
The color of one’s skin has dictated how they’ve been treated
To the point where my history and my people are often deleted
One month is not enough, and while it might be a start
Please acknowledge more than those who are loved for their art
Or their quotes of unity, and of peace, and of love
Please recognize the depths of our existence that reaches far far above
Any understanding that only seeks to see what’s within, or that stops at the skin
Because all that’s within has been shaped and formed by this melanin.
The voices and stories, ones told and ones unheard
All pointing to the fact that we matter, our dignity is deserved.
So in this month that is shortest
I ask all to take notice
To both see me for all that is within
And recognize that to do so, you must also see me and love me for my skin.
Resources and Invitations:
- Local Arts and Faith Organization, Acts on Stage produced an excellent resource called “28 Days: Scenes, Songs, and Speeches in Black History.” This production commemorates some of the best moments in Black history, arts, and culture and features artists from the Pacific Northwest. You can also order a companion guide on their website: 28 days: www.actsonstage.com
- From Sean Goode—Director of Local Organization Choose 180 whose mission it is to transform systems, communities, and lives through the power of choice (this non-profit started under Urban Impact’s umbrella) www.choose180.org
- Educate yourself through credible sources and people with lived experience
- Register to vote, if you’re able, and advocate for important issues www.vote.gov
- Support Black-owned businesses and community organizations www.intentionalist.com
- Sign up for 28 Days of Black History to get a historical fact, action steps, and discussion questions delivered to your inbox each day this month: www.28daysofblackhistory.com
- Christian Community Development Association (okay, not exactly local, but such a great list of worship music, books, artists, businesses, and resources…including a free class by Dominique Gilliard!) www.ccda.org/bhm
- Check out one of the many opportunities to commemorate BHM in our city:
- https://www.seattlemet.com/arts-and-culture/observing-black-history-month-events-readings-panels-seattle
- https://www.greaterseattleonthecheap.com/black-history-month-seattle/
- https://southseattleemerald.com/tag/black-history-month-2022/
- For Families: https://www.parentmap.com/article/black-history-month-events-seattle-kids-families
- Pray for the HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) who have received bomb threats over the past few weeks---for the students, staff, faculty, families. We pray against the evil that is motivating these threats. Protect these school communities. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
- Pray for the protection of voting rights that so many put their lives on the line to fight for. Give wisdom and courage to our leaders. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
- Pray for a fresh wind of the spirit leading to a courageous Christianity that takes the inequity in our city, country, and world seriously. Help us to take seriously the call to love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
- You can add your own prayers anytime to the Bethany Prayer Wall to be read aloud in Sunday services—click here.
An invitation for self-reflection from DEI Consultants at Bloom - Honoring Black History Month with Intention:
For many non-Black folks, anti-Black racism is viewed as something historically and geographically distant—a problem related to America or a thing of the past with isolated incidents such as the murder of George Floyd. This is a more comfortable and palatable way to observe Black History Month. By distancing ourselves from anti-Black racism, it becomes easier to diminish and ignore its existence. The reality is that we cannot authentically honor Black History Month while ignoring two major truths: anti-Black racism still exists and the celebration of Black History must include the celebration of Black joy. Honoring Black History Month authentically and with intention means discussing the multifaceted aspects of Black history and liberation. Black history isn’t just MLK and “I have a dream.” It’s a historical analysis of discrimination and prejudice. It’s examining and questioning the lack of Black stories, voices, and representation. It’s recognizing Black LGBTQ+ and differently abled experiences. It’s celebrating Black art and innovation. It’s shining a light on Black joy and love.
Here are some helpful prompts for self-reflection as you work to honor Black History Month:
- Do my discussions around anti-Black racism start and end at slavery? Does my understanding of anti-Black racism include persisting policies, cultural values, practices, and beliefs that are inherently anti-Black? For example, the belief that dreads, braids, and afros are “unprofessional” in a work environment.
- Am I thinking both locally and globally? What do I know about the history of anti-Black racism in my own country and community? Does my knowledge of anti-Black racism only exist in the American context?
- Does my understanding of Black history focus solely on Black trauma? Does it ignore Black art, Black joy, and Black love? And if I am celebrating Black joy, how am I doing it? Is it done respectfully through the lens of appreciation, instead of appropriation? For example, am I celebrating Black voices while also mimicking and misusing AAVE (African American Vernacular Language?
- Am I only interested in Black history during the month of February? Have I made a commitment to sustained action and solidarity throughout the year or is learning about Black History Month simply to check a box?