Join us as we prepare for and await the arrival of Emmanuel, God with Us.
On this page, you will find ways to stay connected, serve, and celebrate during Advent season. More will be posted here as we go, so check back regularly! We can't wait to join with our Bethany Family as we anticipate the coming of Christmas together!
Welcoming Christmas
Saturday, Dec. 2nd, 4:00-6:30pmFellowship Hall & Sanctuary
Join us for crafts and activities including wreath making, cookie decorating, card making, ornament crafting, and more! We'll also have some yummy snacks for you to enjoy. All this will be followed by a family-friendly Christmas concert in the sanctuary at 5:45pm. Invite your friends and family! No cost to attend.

Advent Reception
Sunday, Dec. 10th after both servicesFellowship Hall
All are invited to participate in this annual celebration by sharing a favorite holiday food or special cultural food of the season. Ideas might include: baked goods, crackers & cheese, fruit, gluten free options... be creative! Store purchased items are fine.
Click the image on the right to sign up >>>
Longest Night Service
Wednesday, Dec. 20thDinner at 5:30pm, Fellowship Hall
Worship Service at 6:30pm, Sanctuary Only
This season can be a difficult time of year for many people. Whatever it is that you are holding, you are invited to come to this service and lay these things before the Lord. This will be a service of scripture, music, poetry, candlelight, and prayer.

Sunday, Dec. 24th Services
4th Sunday of Advent Worship Service10:00am, Sanctuary Only
Christmas Eve Services
Family-Friendly: 4pm, Sanctuary & Online
Candlelight: 7 & 9pm, Sanctuary & Online
Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!

New Year's Eve Worship
Sunday, Dec. 31st10:00am, Sanctuary Only

Wednesday Night Dinner
Giving Tree
Please consider giving a Christmas gift to one of our regular Wednesday Night Dinner guests. Choose an ornament from the WND tree in the lobby. Please wrap your gift and return it by Dec. 17th, with the ornament attached. These gifts will be distributed at Wednesday Night Dinner on Dec. 20th. Thanks so much!
- This Advent season, we have devotional booklets available from one of our Outreach partners: Frontier Fellowship. Their daily devotional “Go and Tell” invites readers to consider the ways the songs of Advent and Christmas point us to God’s love, care and justice for the world. Join our ministry partner in his Advent journey through reflection, prayer, worship and song. You can pick up your copy in the church lobby.
- Bethany Pres – We will be publishing our Bethany online devotional via email on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays throughout Advent. We will be focusing on the four words of Advent: Hope, Love, Joy, Peace. If you are not receiving Bethany online devotionals and would like to, you can sign up using the link here. If you’d like to write one of the devotionals, please reach out to Marisa Gronholz at marisag@bethanypc.org
- Black Liturgies for Advent – Daily Meditations: www.blackliturgies.com
- Holy Dark: Candlelit Evenings in Advent
- Four Sessions | Sunday Evenings | Begins December 3rd, 7pm ET – available for those who preorder the book, Black Liturgies
- Advent meditations/liturgies include poetry, questions for contemplation, and breath practice – available to Patreon members. www.patreon.com (search for Black Liturgies)
- Holy Dark: Candlelit Evenings in Advent
- Chasing Justice – Longing for Liberation Advent Guide: www.chasingjustice.com
- To order the $10 e-book, click on the SHOP button on the Chasing Justice website, or visit: https://324afb.myshopify.com/
- Kate Bowler – Bless the Advent We Actually Have: A Daily Devotional For the Christmas Season (free): https://katebowler.com/advent/
- Sarah Bessey – Reimagining Advent: A December Series at Field Notes with Sarah Bessey: https://sarahbessey.substack.com/subscribe?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email (you will need to subscribe to her newsletter)
- Honest Advent by Scott Erickson
- Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation by Bishop Will Willimon
- Jan Richardson – online Illuminated Advent Retreat: www.janrichardson.com/adventretreat