Faith Formation

Listening, Learning, Loving:
Empathy as a Practice

Sunday, Jan. 28th, 11:00am, Bethany Parlor

Empathy is a listening skill that can be learned. Lynne Baab will draw on communication research about empathy to give an overview of what empathy is and how to grow in empathy. Lynne is a former Bethany associate pastor with a Ph.D. in communication. Pre-registration encouraged; session will be recorded.

Loving Across Our Differences: Personal Stories
Sundays, Feb. 4th, 11th & 18th, 10:45am, 7 Howe

Come listen to several people from our Bethany community as they share their diverse personal experiences and reflections regarding non-heterosexual orientation and relationships. This is an opportunity to practice better understanding and loving one another, while respectfully acknowledging theological differences.

Stories will include personal experiences and reflections regarding non-heterosexual orientation and relationships. The goal is not debate or convincing, but exposure to life experience and scriptural perspectives that inform these individuals' convictions and practices, and a “stretch practice” in loving across our differences. A time for individual personal reflection will be included as part of each session.

This series will be facilitated by Kevin McMahan, Jennifer Steenstra, and Lisa Hudson. Space is limited; registration is required. Also, attending and/or listening to the Empathy session above is a prerequisite. For questions, reach out to Jennifer Steenstra, Group Life elder at

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Faith Formation Class Recordings

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Contact Suzzanne Lacey, Elder of Adult Christian Education, with any questions.