Arts Ministry
We believe all humans are created in the image of God and have an inherent ability to be creative. It is essential that art and creativity be included in our worship and fellowship. By using and celebrating our creative gifts, we speak truth across boundaries and gain empathy for each other.
Recognizing that creativity stems from our Creator, Bethany Arts mission is to cultivate the arts in order to be a blessing to our community and to one another. Bethany Arts seeks to create ways for the community of Bethany to:
- understand our faith, our stories, and our abilities through new and surprising ways;
- support those who are called to artistic endeavors, both in our church community and beyond;
- provide a safe and inviting space for all to enter church and find light, wisdom, exploration, truth telling, and hope.

"What Is Sanctuary?" Installation at Bethany by Colleen RJC Bratton
We would love to hear from you!
Bethany Arts would love to get to know you, hear your questions, see your art, or collaborate on your ideas. Please reach out to learn more and to share your art and creativity.
We are also always looking for interested members to join the Bethany Arts team. Please contact our current Arts Elder, Jenn Cavanaugh, with your interest and questions.
Arts Ministry Team
Jeff Benesi (Arts Committee Member)
Jenn Cavanaugh (Current Arts Elder)
Roger Feldman (Arts Committee Member)
Maria Russo (Arts Committee Member)
Sarah Sawers (Arts Committee Member)

"Kubota Gardens, Seattle" by Dave Baab

"The New Normal: Everyday Extremes and Disaster Disparities" at Bethany by Roger Feldman

"Black Lives Matter" Outdoor Installation at Bethany by NICO

"Easter Joy" Window Installation at Bethany by Jeff & Kay Benesi
Outdoor Art Installations
2022-23 Installations
The New Normal likewise ignores individuals and borders, leaving us each to consider our own and others’ place in these scenes of a changed and changing climate. This art installation is meant to be experienced by exploring the exterior and interior to gain understanding and stimulate thinking. Roaring oceans lead to retreating coastlines. Climate change effects social change. Which of these climate realities have you internalized? Which remain outside your experience? Which resources and social realities have made that true for you and not for others? How can we face and respond to these challenges as a local, national, and global society of human beings?
Roger Feldman - "The New Normal: Everyday Extremes and Disaster Disparities"
2020-21 Series Partnering with Local Artists of Color
We believe that art has power to create change, to expand our way of seeing, to motivate actions, and question accepted beliefs. Bethany Arts seeks to understand the privileges we have inherited as a predominantly white church, as well as the systems of institutional racism that surround us and are within us. Starting in July 2020, Bethany Arts began a partnership with Bethany Outreach to seek out local Artists of Color and commission them to create artwork for temporary outdoor display on the church grounds and to the Queen Anne community. This series is a step toward expanding our way of seeing and creating change. We believe that reconciliation and human flourishing are at the very heart of God and that art has a role in bringing that to life.
Moses Sun - Window Installation
2020-21 Series Celebrating the Liturgical Seasons, featuring Bethany Artists
Bethany Arts Committee - "The Vine" Bethany Lawn Installation (Lent 2021)
Bethany Arts Committee - "Lights" Bethany Lawn Installation (Advent 2020)
Jeff and Kay Benesi - "Easter Joy" Window Installation (Easter 2020)
Sanctuary Art Installations

"What Is Sanctuary?" Installation at Bethany by Colleen RJC Bratton

"Fruits and Failures: Considering the Reformation" by Serrah Russell

"Spires" by Zack Bent