URBAN IMPACT:  Founded in 1987 to address the complex realities of urban poverty in Seattle’s Rainier Valley, Urban Impact was built on the principles of Christian Community Development and a unique relationship with two neighborhood churches, Emerald City Bible Fellowship and Rainier Avenue Church.  Focused on strengthening families and raising leaders, Urban Impact partnered with people in the neighborhood to address issues surrounding education, youth development, family, health, economic stability and racial reconciliation.  Generational poverty has social, material and spiritual implications.  Breaking it requires a holistic approach that addresses both the personal and systemic challenges of poverty.

History of Bethany's Relationship with Urban Impact:

The relationship between Urban Impact and Bethany Presbyterian Church is from the very beginning in 1987. One of the initial meetings that would eventually launch then "Emerald City Outreach Ministries" took place at Bethany. Urban Impact has communicated that Bethany is the longest and most consistent ministry partner that they have. We've partnered in Worship Together, Life Together Reconciliation Conversations, and several friendships have formed between Bethany and Emerald City Bible Fellowship and Mt. View Presbyterian as we've gone on trips, prayed, worshipped, and fellowshipped together. 

Opportunities to Learn and Engage with Urban Impact this summer:

        • Invitation to Weekly Prayer on Fridays, 1-1:30pm
          Urban Impact has invited us to join Pastor Harvey and Steve Bury as they host a virtual Community Prayer time every Friday, from 1-1:30pm. There will be a brief introduction and then we'll work through a series of themes together in prayer. Log in to the Zoom call with the following info (same link each week):
          Join Zoom Meeting
          Meeting ID: 752 254 371
        • Navigating White Identity: a three-week series for white people to do white people work to dismantle racial injustice and unjust systems - Thursdays, July 16, 23, 30, 7:00 - 8:30pm
          Join Steve Bury, Executive Director of Urban Impact and Scott Hall, National Director of Justice Projects, InterVarsity and KCYC Chaplain, as they present and discuss issues surrounding racial identity and the work White People need to do to better engage with People of Color.  The goal is for this forum to be a safe place to begin to unpack America's racial history, the development of white privilege, dominant culture internalized values and anti-racist practices.  This time will include reflection, discussion and opportunities for response.
          We value your companionship on this journey! Register online here:
        • Wrestling with Reconciliation
          Hosted by Rev. Harvey Drake & Rev. Steve Bury 
          1st Tuesdays – Monthly, 7 – 8:30pm, via Zoom (Starting July 7th, continuing monthly)
        • A Conversation on Racial Division
          Forum with special guests monthly, presentation & interview formats with dialogue and discussion. Hosted on Zoom. Focus on racism and the systems and structures that privilege some and limit others. How should we respond as individuals, as businesses, as Christians and the role of the Church?
        • Summer Program for Emerald City Commons and other ways to serve with Urban Impact
          -- Stay tuned for more details to come!