Faith Formation Class
Sep 10, 2023 at 10:45 AM
Organizer: Suzanne Mason

Faith Formation Class with Katie Douglass

Sunday, September 10th at 10:45am in 7 Howe

As a part of her research on Faith Formation, Katie Douglass and her team, including Laura Shigeta, Lucy Israel, and Kate Underwood, studied undergraduate student experiences of attending the Wednesday Night Dinner. For our September class, Katie, Laura, and Lucy will present some of the findings from their research published in the May 2023 issue of the Journal of Psychology and Theology under the title, “Human Just Like Me: A Grounded Theory of Disrupting Dehumanization through Table Fellowship.” Join them to learn more about this research and discuss how Christian practices, like table fellowship, can shape Christian identity.

Rev. Dr. Katie Douglass is the Assistant Professor of Educational Ministry and Practical Theology at SPU, and an ordained minister in the PC(USA). Since 2013, Katie has directed The Confirmation Project, a $1.1 million grant from the Lily Endowment Inc., that researches confirmation and equivalent practices that form disciples of Jesus Christ through a national survey of youth, parents, and ministry leaders, as well as congregational visits. 
