High School Service Trip to Mending Wings, Yakama Nation.
August 11, 2024. All day
Organizer: Reid Cook

TRIP DATES:  Sunday, August 11 – Friday, August 16 

COST:  $895 with scholarships available

AGES:  Students currently in 8th - 12th grade

DESCRIPTION:  This service trip is a great balance of working. learning, and playing. During our time together, we will be serving at various worksites with our ministry partner, Mending Wings. We will get to experience typical Native drumming and dancing worship, as well as a night of circle worship and communion. Not only do we learn some of the history, this year will include a visit to some important indigenous locations, including the former site of a boarding school.

We will have daily time in small groups, prayer time, and space to connect with Jesus together. There will also be lots of time for play; past trips have included a night of native crafting with a local artisan, a trip to a blueberry farm to pick and eat, all kinds of running around at field games, many board games, and indoor basketball/volleyball games. 

Friends are welcome! Students will receive 20 service hours for attending this trip. More information about these trips can be found on the Mending Wings website, or by reviewing the October 8th worship service at Bethany. 

Please Note: This year we are doing our first Parent/Student meetings as a prerequisite for the trip. These will be an opportunity for students and parents (both) to all talk with Pastor Danielle about trip expectations. Please make every effort to attend one of these meetings (May 5 at 10:30 am or June 9 at 10:30 am) and note that on your registration form. If your student has reservations about this trip, sign them up and come to one of the meetings. If they still do not want to attend after that meeting, we will offer you a full refund. 

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Bethany Presbyterian Church

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