Women's Bible Study
Every month on the first Tuesday of the month and the third Tuesday of the month from 10:00a to 11:15a
Organizer: Lynn Beaumont

Women's Bible Study begins again! We will be using a hybrid mode - 7 Howe for those who can be in person, and a Zoom link for those who are remote. We will be using the study guide Love Carved in Stone - A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments.

Women of all ages and stages are invited to study the Bible with us. If you would like to be added to the group, contact Lynn Beaumont at newhatdsl@msn.com.

To join the Bible Study via Zoom, click here

  • Meeting ID: 865 4970 2380
  • Passcode: 059920

Questions? Contact Lynn Beaumont at newhatdsl@msn.com.
