Congregational Life Ministries
We are an active congregation with almost 500 members, right in the heart of Seattle. There are a variety of ways we do life together here, many of which are below. If you have questions, contact Doug Kelly, our Senior Pastor.

Women's Ministry
Along with other activities, Bethany hosts a women’s Bible study group on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 10:00am via Zoom. Contact Lynn if you would like to be added to the Zoom invitation or if you have any questions.

Men's Ministry
Men gather throughout the year in small groups and for a yearly men's retreat. Men's Retreats are a vital and meaningful part of church life.
Contact Keith to get involved.

Soup & Bread
Join us for our monthly congregational meal after second service. Affectionally called Soup and Bread, this is a Bethany tradition reaching back over 20 years.

Senior Ministry
Bethany seniors enjoy matinees at Taproot Theater, occasional lunches, being visited, and serving in the church. Deacons enjoy helping our older friends with yard or household projects. For more information, contact Brenda Burnett.

Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Team welcomes prayer submissions as well as requests to receive prayer from a member of the Prayer Team following worship. To send in either of these requests, contact Prayer Elder, Julia Sensenbrenner.

The Arts Ministry encourages art in the broadest sense including visual, spoken, theatre and movement. We work with other Bethany ministries such as Worship and Children's to present the Gospel in ways that touch the soul and bring beauty within our buildings.
To get involved with the arts, contact Arts Elder Jenn Cavanaugh.
Becoming a member is choosing to participate in the Ministry of Membership – exploring ways to serve the mission of the church, becoming more connected in her life, including the importance of worship. Membership supports the Unity of the Church in Jesus Christ, while loving one another across our differences.

Adult Christian Education
Our Adult Christian Education team wants you to go deeper in your faith and in your walk with Jesus and each other. There are a variety of opportunities to get involved throughout the year. If there is something you would like to see that isn't offered yet- contact Suzzanne Lacey, Elder for Adult Christian Education. You can also visit our Adult Christian Education page here.