Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing.
Giving, not getting, is the way
– Luke 6:38 (The MESSAGE)

Our annual stewardship campaign is currently underway! This is the time of year when we make our financial estimates of giving for July 2022 - June 2023, culminating in a special service on Gratitude and Commitment Sunday, February 27th. We will mark the day together with gratitude for our ability to give from what we have been given.

Please be prayerfully reflecting on your 2022-23 contribution to Bethany - and if you'd like to get a jump on filling out your Estimate of Giving card in advance of February 27th, here two ways to do it:  

  1. Watch for your Estimate of Giving Card to arrive in your post, fill it out and use the return-envelope to mail it back to Bethany
  2. Click the button below to fill out your Estimate of Giving Card online