Ash Wednesday Worship
February 22nd at 7:00pm - Sanctuary and Online
Join us for this 50 minute, multi-sensory service where we launch ourselves into the season of Lent, the 40 days before Holy Week. Lent is a season of repentance as we walk with Jesus to the cross. The imposition of ashes on our foreheads marks us as those who acknowledge our mortality, confess our sins and prepare to meet our crucified and risen Savior Jesus Christ.
Community Taizé Service
Weds., March 1st at 8:00pm, Queen Anne United Methodist Church
Our friends at “The Well” hold this space on the first Wednesday of each month at QA United Methodist. Each service lasts about 40 minutes, and is a time of meditation and contemplation. Come, let your spirit breathe. For more information, click here.
The Taizé community in France invites you to their online worship every Saturday evening - to visit their page, click here.
Maundy Thursday Worship
April 6th at 7:00pm, Sanctuary & Online
At our Maundy Thursday worship service, we remember Jesus' last supper with his followers and take note of his final command to "love one another" (John 13). This is a multi-sensory service where we touch the cross as it passes overhead and receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
Lenten Small Groups
Lenten Sermon Series Study Guide
This study guide is available for all Bethany small groups and individuals to use during this Lenten season. Prepare your mind and hearts by reading and reflecting on the scripture text prior to upcoming Sunday sermons, and engaging with the questions afterward.
Invitation to Lenten Spiritual Disciplines
Sundays throughout Lent
Every Sunday during Lent, we will be introducing a spiritual discipline during worship and will invite you to practice this discipline with us in your own way. On two of the Sundays, we'll meet in 7 Howe House at 10:45pm for an opportunity to go more in-depth on the topics presented:
- Sunday, March 5th, Lynne Baab will be sharing about Fasting. If you are not able to attend but would like to find out more, you can visit Lynne's blog here to read a post about Fasting:
- Sunday, March 19th, Janette Plunkett will be sharing about Creation Care. Our denomination, PC(USA), has called on us to become carbon neutral. Is that possible? What would it be like? Could Lent be a time when we shed our yoke to fossil fuels as part of our spiritual journey? Come hear a quick update on what PCUSA is doing, actions you can take and other ways to engage in Creation Care as a spiritual practice in Lent.
Bethany Briefs Newsletter - Lent Edition
The latest edition of the Bethany Briefs is now online and packed with lots of great content, including:
- Letter from Pastor Doug - "Conversations with Jesus"
- Ways to engage in worship, community, and contemplation during this season
- New Director of Worship Announcement
- Ministry Updates:
- Prayer Ministry
- Wednesday Night Dinner
- Outreach Focus for Lent: Creation Care
- Children & Family Ministries
- Bethany Youth Group