Young Adults Ministry
Our young adults ministry gives emerging adults a place to find connection with each other, a space to question and process, mentorship in the church, and involvement with God's mission in Seattle and the world.

Who We Are
“Young adulthood” is a fluid concept.
Some of our crew of 20+ regulars are recent college graduates, while some of us are in our early 30’s. Some of us are trying to find a good first job, some of us are trying to navigate the economy in our first jobs, and some of us have launched into a total second career. What’s more, we’re a mix of single & stoked about it, dating (with very varied feelings about it all), partnered, and married. Perhaps most importantly, we also have varied faith perspectives, experiences, and theologies. Most of us attend Bethany Presbyterian Church, but not all of us, and that’s OK.
These things make us different, but some things make us the same. First, something about our Christian faith—or this little community as a manifestation of our faith—has our attention. Second, we’re all searching for rich, meaningful lives—and the feelings, actions, and beliefs which might lead us there. Third, we’re all committed to questions, and are practicing the power of “asking good questions” together.
Fun (fun?) fact: we recently discovered that 90% of us have been or are currently in therapy, and we think that’s pretty cool.

What We Do
Twice a month, we gather at a home on the south slope of Queen Anne to eat dinner & engage in intentional, facilitated conversation. Sometimes our conversations focus on a passage from the Bible or a theological perspective; sometimes, our conversations center on a topic—sexuality, the Enneagram, or friendship; other times, we dive deep into philosophy, epistemology, or ethics. Our time together is a balance of “restfully casual” and “satisfyingly substantial.”
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, Queen Anne
Click here if you’d like to receive an invite to a future gathering!
Once a month, a small group of us gathers for a deeper dive into the Bible and theology. This space asks a fairly firm commitment and requires prep work in between sessions; currently we are studying the book of Mark, which has prompted questions around apocalyptic writing and moral relativism.
1st Monday of the month, 7:30-9:00pm, South Seattle/TBD
Click here if you’d like to explore joining us in this space.
1-2x per year, we go away together! In October of 2022, we escaped to a beautiful home in Greenwater, WA for a weekend of eating, playing, resting, and talking. These retreats are lightly programmed with activities like Daily Office Liturgies, brief readings & discussions, and streaming church on Sunday morning. We self-organize to cook for one another, carpool, etc.
Finally, we connect via the app GroupMe very regularly (because there are too many of us for a group text thread). This is where we make social plans, organize other activities like summer lake days, find ways to volunteer in the community, ask for prayer, and generally support each other. Click here if you’d like to be connected to the GroupMe.

Who's In Charge
Well, we are. As a ministry of adults, this is not youth group. We spend time several times a year focusing or refocusing on who we are, why we do what we do, and how we want to spend our time. That said, we don’t do this alone.
Matt Miller, a longtime Bethany member and current staff member, has led the Young Adult Ministry since its inception in December of 2019. While he holds a Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Business and Applied Theology, his work experience is primarily in the outdoor industry where he worked for many years on rafts, in the wilderness, and in an office directing a global mountain guiding company. Matt is also a certified Liminal Guide for Liminal Space, a life transition non-profit based in Seattle, where he helps individuals connect with and pursue who they were made to be. He lives with his wife and two kids in South Seattle.
Matt believes that we are each a unique manifestation of the imago dei (the image of God), which drives his curiosity, question asking, and constant desire to draw others to “take up more space”—because in doing so, we experience more of God. Whether during a walk at the waterfront, on a bench with coffee, or across a table with a drink, Matt is continually grateful for 1:1 connection with us as Bethany young adults.
Contact Matt here.