High School Summer Service Trip

TRIP DATES:  Sunday, June 22 – Saturday, June 28 
COST:  $2200, with $500 deposit. Scholarships are available at registration.
REGISTRATION: Opens Fri, Jan 17, and closes after we reach 31 students. After that, email DanielleM@bethanypc.org to be placed on the waitlist.
AGESStudents currently in 8th - 12th grade
CONTACT: DanielleM@bethanypc.org
DESCRIPTION:    Students and Leaders from Bethany will travel to Washington DC to participate in a trip facilitated by Be the Neighbor. We will spend time daily in service activities at various organizations around the city. We will also spend time daily learning about the systemic injustices present in many cities and how advocacy and politics impact social change. Where is our faith in the midst of this?  Do faith and politics intersect?  How is our faith calling us to be a people of hope and change in this world?  This trip will include some museums and memorials as time allows. Students are booked on a group package with United Airlines non-stop into Washington Dulles.  Leaders and students will travel exclusively on the DC public transit system during our time together. Students will need the ability to learn, the desire to participate in hands on service projects, and the willingness to be flexible. Monday through Friday will be programmed by Be The Neighbor to include service and learning. Note, we are staying through Saturday so that students can have some great play/fun time together on Saturday before our flight home in the evening. We can accommodate 31 students and 9 adult leaders on this trip.  Students and leaders will be preassigned a small group which will operate like family together during the week – traveling together, working alongside one another, cooking together and visiting sites together.
I hope you are ready for some fun, worship, reflection, service, learning, walking, treats around the city and spending time in community!