BPYG Middle School Camp
CAMP DATES: Wednesday, August 18th at 9am through Sunday, August 22nd at noon
TRANSPORTATION: Rental school bus (with driver) to and from Bethany. It will only be Bethany students and leaders on this bus, with the exception of the driver.
AGES: Incoming 6th – 8th graders
LOCATION: Miracle Ranch Camp, Port Orchard, WA
SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS: Cabins, with on-suite bathrooms. Cabins will only have Bethany students and leaders sleeping in them.
FOOD: Food will be cooked and provided by the camp. We will have set meal times daily that will only be for our group. We will be taking our food from inside the dining hall directly outside to a big tent. This tent offers us covered eating outside on tables. You can expect all the type of camp foods you love. The camp can accommodate food allergies if we know in advance. Your registration form has a spot for you to let us know about food needs.
COST: $400. If your student needs a scholarship – partial or full – please send Danielle a note: daniellem@bethanypc.org. This will be kept confidential. Bethany has a generous scholarship fund for youth trips.
- Morning devotional time (facilitated by Bethany leaders)
- Group games and activities (facilitated by Bethany leaders)
- Evening/night games (facilitated by Bethany leaders)
- Daily worship/prayer, message, and small group time (facilitated by Bethany leaders)
- The camp staff will run 3 activities during our time together. We will be the only group at these activities, but Miracle Ranch Staff will be guiding us through: horseback riding, the waterfront swimming time, and the ropes course.
TECHNOLOGY: In order to connect with each other and Jesus, we are asking you to leave all phones/things with screens/earbuds/etc. at home.
- Bethany leaders will have to be vaccinated and have a negative COVID test to come to camp
- Bethany students are being asked to come to camp with a negative COVID test regardless of vaccination status. All campers should test within 3 days of our 9am on August 18th departure time. We are doing this so we can keep each other safe. Once at camp, we will be a ‘bubble’ with students eating, playing and sleeping as a group. Testing will allow us to provide the safest possible environment for camp.
- Every morning, our Bethany leaders will perform a “daily symptom check” as required by Miracle Ranch. This will be COVID symptom screening and a temperature check. This will be done in cabins.
- If a student gets sick at camp with symptoms that might be possible COVID, we will be calling a parent and asking for the student to get picked up and evaluated by a doctor and retested. Danielle and parents would coordinate this. Please do not plan to be unavailable during camp time in case of this situation.
- Masks: your student needs to have multiple clean masks with them at camp.
- We will be masking while in any “public” spaces, like picking up food in the dining hall, using a camp bathroom outside their cabin, walking between camp activities where we could see another group, etc. We will also be masking on the bus to and from camp.
- We will not be masking while: playing any water activity, riding a horse, doing the ropes course, sleeping, eating, having small group time.
- Masking during high energy field games will be optional.
- If your student has some anxiety/worry/concerns around anything related to mask wearing, please let me know. We understand that students of all ages are navigating this next season with different emotions. We would like to help them feel comfortable and safe during camp.
- Worship: This is the big question mark at this point. We will be worshiping in a variety of different ways at camp. Typically, this includes communal singing. As we get closer to camp, we will be monitoring the COVID numbers and be talking about what to do here. We can sing outside, and can discuss whether or not masks would be required or recommended at that point.
FORMS: Medical forms and camp releases will be sent out to your family in July.
FRIENDS: You can invite a friend who does not go to Bethany to attend.
REACH OUT: If your family needs to talk things through, or your student wants to learn more about camp from Danielle, let her know: daniellem@bethanypc.org. She would be happy to set up a zoom, come to a yard group a bit early to chat, or meet up in your yard this summer.