• Weekly Staff Meeting (1st/3rd Pastoral Staff, 2nd/4th All-Staff):
          On the Admin Zoom account - see below for host log-in

          Meeting ID: 914 3976 1337

          One tap mobile:
          +12532158782,,91439761337# US

          Or dial by your location:
          +1 253 215 8782 US
          Meeting ID: 914 3976 1337

        • Weekly Worship Planning Meetings:
          On the Admin-2 Zoom account - see below for host log-in

          Meeting ID: 893 0522 0631

        • Admin Account Log-In Info (use to schedule/host meetings):
          • Bethany Pres-1

            --Go to Zoom sign-in page:  https://zoom.us/signin
            --Enter email:  admin@bethanypc.org
            --Enter password: g^ykjlft54367MBr7*&M4k@KMN

          • Bethany Pres-2
            --Go to Zoom sign-in page:  https://zoom.us/signin
            --Enter email:  admin2@bethanypc.org
            --Enter password:  Steeple3711!!
          • Please keep in mind that zoom now requires two factor authentication, and will log you out if you move your laptop or device onto another router or internet source. For asistance with two factor authentication email either Reid at Reidc@bethanypc.org or Griffin at griffino@bethanypc.org, or you can call the church office during work hours at (206) 284-2222