Worship In Exile - this Sunday at 10:00 am
(click here to go directly to the live Zoom link)
- Your Device (laptop, tablet, or smart phone that can access the internet)
- Candle/Matches (we'll be lighting candles together at the start of the service)
- Elements for celebrating communion together - see Pastor Doug's letter here for more info
- Download the online bulletin here to follow along with during the service
- Download an activity sheet here to help your kids engage during the service
- Connect with us this Sunday via Zoom link - Pastors Doug and Danielle, along with other Bethany leaders, who be "Zooming in" from their homes. We look forward to gathering with you all online this Sunday!
- We will have a modified 45-minute worship service together including a few worship songs, children's story, brief meditation, and congregational prayer time.
- There will be an opportunity to submit prayer requests online during the service and one of our worship leaders will incorporate them into our congregational prayer time.
- START EARLY - so you have plenty of time to get yourself set up on the link and do any troubleshooting ahead of time. Consider trying things out around 9:30am - then grab another cup of coffee and join the chat while you wait for things to get started.
- CLICK on this Zoom link to connect to online worship: https://zoom.us/j/544019993
- If you don't already have Zoom on your device, a screen will come up with the option to download - click "download here" (recommended so you can join quickly next time).
- If you cannot download or run the application, click on "join from your browser."
- Another screen will come up with "Do you want to allow this page to open "zoom.us"? Click Allow.
- LOGIN - you will be prompted to enter your email and name so you can join the webinar
- SELECT AUDIO OPTION - choose one of the audio conference options: computer audio (recommended so you can watch/listen on the same device) or phone call (if you want to just listen in or don't have audio on the device you're using to watch).
- NEED HELP? We'll have a few folks standing by to help you trouble-shoot if you run into any issues - send a text message to 206-617-3056 and someone on the team will call you back.