by Janet Moore, WND Director

When I started to plan the 20 year anniversary I had no idea how many details would be involved. I knew it would be a challenge to get all the names of the people who have been involved with WND, and this was made even more apparent to me when I asked folks to stand during Sunday morning worship recently if they had ever come, or volunteered, at WND. At least half the congregation stood up! We really do appreciate all the people who have helped WND to make it to 20 years. That is close to 1000 Wednesday night dinners.
We had a special WND Anniversary Celebration. We decorated the room with red and white balloons, bouquests of flowers, and candies. We served pizza, pesto pasta, Caesar salad, garlic bread and cake. It was a carbo-loaded dinner, and a guest favorite. During the dinner, we thanked a volunteer who has served the whole 20 years, along with all our elders. The funniest part of the evening, however, was having guests come and tell me that they had been coming for 20 years, or nearly 20 years. It was great to talk to them about what the dinners have meant to them and to their lives. One guy said, “It’s my Wednesday night date – dinner with Karen and you!” Another guest (an older woman) said, “You are my sons and daughters.” And yet one other male guest said that when he started to come to WND, he did not think he would keep coming. Now, 20 years have gone by, and he would like to come for another 20.”
I think that folks are lucky to have this meal, but Bethany is even luckier to host it. I can not thank Karen Rider enough for her generous spirit and her enthusiasm to make each WND a beautiful and inviting place to have a meal with our friends and family.