JULY 2017
Margie Van Duzer pointed us to Christ by leading us through John 21. We reflected in silence on the question, “What is God calling me to, in terms of sacrifice, as an elder of Bethany?”
Carolyn Burkland reported that 2017 YTD revenue is significantly higher than at this point last year (pledge revenue is up and non-pledge revenue is down), and 2017 expenses are a little bit lower than 2016. Historically, we are still doing well for this point in the year, with a deficit of only about $25,000.
We recommended to the Committee on Preparation for Ministry that Danielle Merseles come under care of Bethany and be moved to Inquirer status.
We shared and discussed together what we have been hearing from the congregation about the draft Theological Unity and Diversity Statement. We met in small groups to discuss what we think our next steps should be, and then shared those ideas together as a whole Session. Doug will compile all those ideas, and we will pursue them at the next meeting.
Anne van Roden led us in praying for God’s guidance in these next steps.
We considered the Admin committee’s proposal to change Bethany’s fiscal year from “January – December” to “July – June” and will vote on a motion at our next meeting in September.
We approved a Personnel Committee motion to approve an “experimental” position of Designated Young Adult Coordinator for the period of October 2017 – June 2018.