By Misty Grieger
Fresh, crisp, lined notebook paper, newly sharpened #2 pencils, binders that snap open with a satisfying ‘click’, the pink pearl eraser (the pink pearl eraser!!!) …the common thread here, is of course, school supplies!!!
Our newest ministry partner, Seattle World School is expecting 200 beautiful new students this fall. As you may remember from Lynne’s May Briefs article introducing the school, SWS serves exclusively the Seattle refugee and immigrant community. These are amazing kids who have come from intense circumstances and who are looking for an opportunity to thrive. School supplies are a necessity that many of us take for granted but are foundational to a productive learning environment. You gotta have the right tools to do the job well!
The Refugee Ministry Team will be accepting donations of very specific school supplies for the Seattle World School Sunday, August, 13th, 20th, 27th, and September 3rd.
Supplies Needed (Supplies can be found Staples, Home Depot, Fred Meyers, Target.):
- 1000 Wide Rule Composition Notebooks (black marble cover only)
- 1000 #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils please)
- 300 yellow chisel tip highlighters
I’m happy to introduce three SWS students. (The bios were written by the students)
Hannan is a current Seattle World School 12th grade student. Hannan is from Ethiopia, a country in Eastern Africa. Ethiopia is a “cradle of humanity” because it is one of the oldest nations in the world. Ethiopian flag is green, yellow and red; it stands for hope, joy and courage. Ethiopian people love freedom; their flag became emblematic for a number of African countries. Hannan loves her country. She speaks Oromo, Amharic, English and Arabic. Hannan is from an Ethiopian city that is a mixture of historical ancient and modern buildings. After graduation, Hannan plans on going to a Community College and then transfer to University of Washington.
Hamja comes from (Gambia) West part of Africa. Hamja was born in New York and speaks Swaninke and English. Hamja likes computers and wants to be a computer analyst.
Salvador was born in Mexico City, Mexico. Salvador speaks Spanish and English. Salvador loves soccer and is really good at it. He is the Captain of the Seattle World School Soccer team. Salvador is a wonderful person; he received 2 School Awards at the end of the year. He likes attending Seattle World School, and plans to become a Biologist.
It gives me joy to read these bios. These kids are absolutely not defined by their hardships, but they can’t help but be affected by them. When we show up, even in tiny #2 pencil kinds of ways, we are casting a vote of confidence on their behalf, and, being obedient to the call that Christ has placed on our lives to care for the disenfranchised.
On behalf of the Refugee Ministry Team and SWS, thank you in advance for participating in our school supply drive for Seattle World School.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions ( and be on the look out for future opportunities to engage with SWS.
(Banner Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash).