by Pastor Doug Kelly
Your elders sent out a draft of the 2017 Statement on Theological Unity and Diversity in May. Session listened to various voices in the congregation by hosting two town hall forums and reading over forty letters to session. As moderator of the session, let me just say that I am impressed with the compelling statements both oral and written, and with the love and thanks expressed to my colleagues in ministry on session from people across the spectrum. I’m so proud of you!
Elders have personally contacted all those who wrote to Session to thank them and engage them further. (If, for some reason, you have not been contacted let us know and we’ll follow up.) At its September meeting, Session underwent a facilitated workshop in talking through our differences. Some of you have urged us to complete the process sooner than later, and we have heard you too. Feel free to contact any of our elders or me. Pray for us as we listen to God, you and each other in this season.
Spring Stewardship Timeline
Gratitude and Commitment Sunday – February 24th
Estimates of Giving Submitted (July, 2019 – June, 2020) – February 24th – March 8th
Congregational Updates: 2019 fiscal year end – May 31st – June 23rd
2019 – 2020 Budget Approval Process
Elders submit budget requests – April 22nd – May 3rd
Treasurer consolidates requests – May 4th – May 13th
May Session meeting: draft budget reviewed – May 14th
June Session meeting: draft budget approved – June 11th
Draft budget published to congregation – June 14th
Draft budget congregational review forum with Admin team – July 7th
July Session meeting: final budget approved – July 9th
Congregational meeting (after second service)
Approve pastors’ terms of call – July 14th
Congregational meeting (annual celebration)
Congregation receives the adopted budget – September 29th
November 3, 2017