Giving Tree

Wednesday Night Dinner 2017 Christmas Giving Tree
This year, we are giving the Wednesday Night Dinner participants an opportunity to go shopping!
Each Wednesday Night participant has signed-up to receive a $50 gift card to either Best Buy, Home Depot, Macys, McDonalds, Regal Cinemas, Ross, Starbucks, or Subway. These are alcohol-free stores, so please, no generic VISA card donations. All cards are available for purchase at Safeway, except for Ross. Gift cards for smaller amounts are also welcome.
The card requests will be available on the Giving Tree on November 26 – December 10. The gift cards will be distributed at the Wednesday Night Christmas Dinner on December 13.
Please take a card request from the tree, purchase the card, put it in an envelope with an encouraging note (you don’t have to wrap it), and either give it to Barb Williams on Sunday or put it in the Wednesday Night Dinner mail box in the church office.
Questions? Contact


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