July 2018

Gena Morgan pointed us to Christ through reflecting on the transforming power of love to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Session received a letter from Wayne Moe regarding the serving of wine at the Lord’s Table.  Motion was approved for Amy Eyler to receive the letter and lead the committee to decide on a proper path and recommendation.

Carolyn Burkland reported a decline in non-pledged income, and as a result we are operating at a $8600 gap in operating budget (less than 1% variance).  It is important for all committees to keep expenses in line with budgets.

Doug provided context on the growing concerns from staff and congregation around ensuring proper and proactive safety measures at Bethany.  Members of session discussed how to balance safety with how to ensure all people are welcome at Bethany.

During brief reports and actions, Milt provided an update on Bethany’s response to the national immigration topic and Tom reported on the WND Mariners event.

There will be no session meeting in August, we will resume with next session meeting on 9/10/2018.

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