Stewarding our Buildings

by Reed Standlee, Stewardship Elder

This summer Bethany has been working on several projects to make our facilities safe, family friendly, and a better place to worship and learn together.

We are near completion on updating all three Howe houses; including expanded office, meeting, and classroom space. We have also installed a new play structure for our children.This spring, we will joyfully clean and tune our pipe organ for the first time in over eighty years!

These projects have been a labor of love, patience, participation, and generosity. We believe they will reach almost everyone in our community. They cannot be completed without the financial support that you provide.

If you feel called by the Holy Spirit to give towards Bethany to support any one of these projects, we encourage you to do so.

Your special financial gift will directly impact the projects and help Bethany improve its building for all who seek God, from children, youth, and adults.

You can make your gift to the Special Building Projects Fund, or the General Operating Budget. Thank you for your gracious monetary gift which helps us steward the space we share.


You can give to the church through our online giving portal.

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